4 trends revealed


Steven Cox, Creative Services Director at Daymon, talks to Packaging Europe about how brands can use packaging to boost their sales and their image.


A customer walks down the aisle. Something green catches her eye on the third shelf. At that moment, the package becomes a sensory touchpoint in the path to purchase. The customer may not consciously realize the power of that package, but before the product ever hit the shelf, a package designer carefully considered a variety of elements in the design and materials to ensure the product would get a first or second look.

Increasingly, package design is being driven not just by what a retailer or brand is looking for, but by what customers are demanding. In fact, according to Mintel’s Global Packaging Trends 2018 report, four of the key trends we that can be expected to see in global best-of-the-shelf packaging in the coming year directly reflect changing consumer expectations and values.

Read the full article where he discusses these trends in detail:

Trend 1 – Packaging to Reduce Waste

Trend 2 – Packaging for E-commerce

Trend 3 – The New ‘Clean Label’

Trend 4 – Eco-Friendly Packaging



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